

Game Concept

The initial concept for the game is a simple Rock-Paper-Scissors game. This basic version serves as a testbed for developing and refining the multiplayer system. In the future, I plan to add a deck-building system and other enhancements to diversify the gameplay experience.

Development Progress

At this stage, there is no actual game yet. Today, I focused on working on the interface and server setup.

  1. User Interface Preparation:

    • Created the foundation for the user interface. This involved setting up initial layouts and basic elements that will be used throughout the game.

  2. Scaling and Cursor Positioning:

    • Implemented scaling to ensure the game interface adjusts correctly to different screen sizes and resolutions. Also, ensured that the cursor position is displayed accurately in all scenarios.

  3. Notification/Alert System:

    • Developed a system for notifications and alerts, which will be used to inform players about important events and updates within the game.
  4. Sound Overhaul:

    • Removed all existing sounds and plan to redo them using FMOD technology to provide a more dynamic and immersive audio experience.
  5. Server-Based Login/Registration:

    • Implemented functionalities for login and registration through the server. This ensures that player data is securely stored and managed.
  6. Lobby Creation:

    • Added the ability to create lobbies where players can join and prepare for matches. This is a crucial component for the multiplayer experience.
  7. Player Model and Statistics Display:

    • Created a player model and a minimal statistics display. Currently, this display shows only the username, but it will be expanded in the future to include more detailed statistics.
  8. Lobby Creation and Connection Windows:

    • Implemented windows for creating and connecting to lobbies. These windows allow players to set up and join multiplayer sessions with ease.
  9. Monogame Enhancements:

    • Added numerous extensions to Monogame, including controls for UI elements like buttons, panels, textboxes, and labels. This makes the development of the user interface more streamlined and efficient.
  10. UI Separation:

    • Moved all UI-related elements to a separate project alongside the engine. This separation helps in organizing the codebase and makes it easier to manage and update UI components.
  11. Styles Implementation:

    • Added styles for UI controls. Styles can be defined via XML files (and potentially JSON in the future). Controls have a classname field that pulls in the defined styles, allowing for easy customization and consistency across the interface.
  12. General Improvements:

    • Made various general improvements to ensure that all components work together seamlessly. This includes bug fixes, performance optimizations, and code refactoring.

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